Consumerism Essay

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Webster's dictionary defines consumerism as "the economic theory that a progressively greater consumption of goods is beneficial." today we are surrounded by a culture of things and possessions:a materialistic world.consumption of materialistic goods has encroached upon every sphere of our lives and we don't even realise first products had a value of necessity in our lives.but now they are sign of choice, social status and identification.the more we advance technologically and socialy the more we need products to keep up with the times.but do people really need all the things they buy?consumerism today is all about people feeling the need to buy more and more material goods to attain some sort of satisfaction. consumerism can be hugely related to the human phsychology.people want variety and are attracted to it when presented a range of products.furthermore attractive and idealistic advertisements pull potential customers further into the world of consumerism.from 20 different types of cereal to 35

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