What Does Citizenship Mean To Me

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According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, citizenship means “the quality of an individual's response to membership in a community.” That is the most detailed definition it had. It is true, but it leaves a lot of room for speculation. Does that mean that anyone with legally living in America is a citizen, or is there more to it than that? In my opinion, there is. To me citizenship means to care about your country, follow and respect its rules, and take an active role in helping it be a better place for other citizens. When I say care about your America, I mean that you don’t complain about its customs such as the weird obsession we have with the Fourth of July. Don’t roll your eyes when the culture is discussed. You are the one who chooses …show more content…

Not only should you have the right attitude, but you should also do something to leave your mark. I don’t know about anywhere else, but being an American means that you care about your neighbors- the ones that live next door and the ones that live twelve states away. When my father got in a car accident, almost all of our neighbors (even the ones we didn't know) and our friends brought us a meal so my mother didn't have to cook or go grocery shopping. I think this is a great example of American values and people really accepting their role. Having American citizenship might just be a piece of paper, but being a true citizen is to care about your country. It means that you follow its rules because it you trust it. Kindness and generosity play a great role in being a great American citizen, as it must, since so many people live below the poverty line and use food stamps. After all, aren't the lyrics “And crown thy good with brotherhood” in America the Beautiful, a song celebrating the greatness of our

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