What Does Aristotle's Theory Mean

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Aristotle’s Theory
Aristotle established a theory of teleological ethics. Teleological ethnics simply mean that ethics have a reason. He believes that happiness is the main goal of the human race therefore people develop virtuous habits resulting in good character. In Aristotle’s theory he explains that living well, reaching our individual potential, and acting well will ultimately lead us to happiness.
Aristotle also theorized that people should always base their actions on reason. This is because ultimately reason always controls desire. He believed in doing the right thing all the time.
Aristotle believes that true happiness can be attained only through virtues making the human life complete. Aristotle believed that the virtuous habit of …show more content…

Kant says that the only thing that is unconditionally good is good will. In Kant’s theory when a person freely chooses to do the right thing their actions will automatically add moral goodness to the world. Kant says “Act only in accordance with that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it become a universal law.” So according to him we should ask ourselves: How would it be if everyone acted in this way? Can I sincerely hope for a world in which everyone acted in this manner?
Kant included categorical imperatives in his theory. These are commands you must follow. They are moral obligations. Kant’s first categorical imperative is universality. Asking yourself would it be okay if everyone did it? His second categorical imperative is that you cannot treat someone as a mear means to accomplish your goals with no thought to their goals and interests. This includes that you cannot lie, ever. His third categorical imperative is that you must act like you are morality authority. How are they similar? Kant and Aristotle are very similar. Both believed that humans are driven by ethics naturally. Both philosophers consistently applied the concept of reason. In addition, they inspired humans to live well and act well. They both agreed that we could accomplish this by using good character and virtuous type of behavior.

Differences and …show more content…

They both have valid points. Although I would have to choose Kant’s theory over Aristotle’s. I do see that Kant’s theory creates a good standard for us all to successfully achieve goodness. Under Aristotle’s theory you can only be termed as good after living many years virtuously. Kant believed that by the use of good will people can finish there categorical duties, and once completed they are a made a good man. The main issue with Aristotle’s theory is that it is vague. It focuses more on individual character than following a set of rules. Kant had more of a black and white approach unlike Aristotle who has a lot of grey

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