What Christians Believe About The Death Of Jesus

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What Christians Believe About The Death Of Jesus

Different denominations are all united in their belief of the death of


As a result of Jesus' death on the cross, he redeemed humanity.

Through its sinful behaviour the human race had effectively sold

itself to Satan, but Jesus had to pay the necessary price to buy it


Christians believed that when God sent his only son, Jesus Christ to

die on the cross, he saved us all from sin and reunited with God.

Therefore, Jesus is seen to Christians as a ransom, which was paid in

order for the world to be at atonement with God once again. Jesus was

sinless, and was God incarnate as well as man, and so his death was

able to redeem mankind.

We are once again reminded of Jesus' sacrifice in order to be

reconciled with God, when he is referred to as the second Adam, as he

corrected the fall of mankind (Adam & Eve).

Christians also argue that the death of Jesus was inevitable; he had

to die, for humanity couldn't be redeemed without him being

sacrificed. The bible teaches us this. It teaches us that God is

merciful, but he is also just, so our sins have to be paid for.

The Crucifix holds symbolism for Roman Catholics as well as

Protestants. Roman Catholics see it as a symbol of Jesus death,

therefore having a crucifix with Jesus on. Protestants however, see it

as a symbol of Jesus' resurrection therefore having a plain crucifix.

Jesus if often referred to as 'The lamb of God'. This can be compared

with the Old Testament (Exodus) where an innocent lamb would be

sacrificed each year at Passover. Jewish people did this, as they

believed that by shedding the blood of an innocent lamb and painting

it upon their doors, they would be spared by the angel of death. Jesus

is like the lamb that is sacrificed in order to spare the Jews lives.

An example of this today can be found at mass where the congregation

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