What Causes Jem's Injury In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I strongly presume that the reasoning behind Jem's injury was initiated by Atticus Finch, yet physically done by Bob Ewell. Bob Ewell was extremely filled with rage being that Atticus has not only defended Tom Robinson, but he had also made Bob Ewell appear as the guilty one. He wanted revenge on Atticus, and decided to attack those who were dearest to him, them being Jem and Scout. Furthermore, Bob is exceedingly racist and quite frankly, racism has lead to serious injuries and occurring problems that could've been prevented. Bob Ewell was furious and unpleased with the fact that Atticus humiliated him during Tom Robinson's Trial. According to " To Kill A Mockingbird", Atticus said to Mayella, " Is he good to you, is he easy to get along with?" Sje then replied and said, " He does tollable, 'cept when --" Atticus goes on to say, "Except when he's drinking? Mayella then nodded yes." When Bob Ewell is intoxicated, he tends to mistreat his daughter and abuse her in a sense. In the novel, Atticus then asked Mayella, "Who beat you up? Tom Robinson or your Father?" Mayella had no answer." At this point of the trial, it is evident that Bob Ewell physically abuses his daughter, Mayella. In addition, He hated the fact that Atticus made Mayella and himself seem as if they were lying, …show more content…

In the novel, the author states, "Mr Bob Ewell stopped Atticus in the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he's get him if he took the rest of his life." Not only was Bob furious that Atticus mortified him, but he was also upset that he wasn't capable of intimidating Atticus. According to " To Kill A Mockingbird", the author states, " Jem hollered and I didnt hear him anymore an' the next thing- Mr. Ewell was tryin' to squeeze me to death, I reckon.." Being that Bob Ewell's threat didn't affect Atticus, he decided that killing Jem and Scout would be a satisfactory

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