What Caused The Cold War Dbq Essay

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There were many causes to the cold war and there was a lot of tension built because of nuclear bombs and weapons but the biggest was the lack of trust and tension between the United States and the Soviet union. The tension started to build between the US and the Soviet Union when we bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But when the US threatened to bomb russia with a nuclear bomb russia thought it was a bluff but after we did bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki they knew we were dead serious about bombing Russia. So then russia started to build its own nuclear weapons to challenge the United States. Then the tension grew hugely over the time but never actually lead to war between the two nations.
The war started because the US wanted to help europe after ww2 because it was in ruins but russia didn't want the US to help fix the ruins of europe after ww2. President Truman proposed that the US give $400 million in aid to greece and turkey to allow them to resist domination by outside pressure (Doc 2). By The US sending aid to Greece and Turkey that became the start of the truman doctrine which was the start of the US foreign policy.They also helped Japan by …show more content…

Also by creating the nuclear weapons this was the beginning of the arms race between the US and the USSR.Some more weapons created were ICBM which are intercontinental ballistic missiles which was a huge cause for the start of the cold war because these missiles could be launched from one country and hit another so this was definitely a cause of the world war. The cold war was mainly based over the nuclear missiles and nuclear weapons that were created. These missiles were not really launched they just threatened the other nations with this new

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