First Impressions Of Myself Essay

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1. I had several early impressions of self. Sometimes I feel like I cannot control my words or actions as if they were out of my control. I believe this happens to everyone. For example, sometimes we do or say something that we regret. My guess is we try to think before we speak, but that is not always the case. For the last several years, I have been trying to understand and take control of what happens, and I failed so I blame myself. That causes me to have low self-esteem. In addition, I feel like I am not playing this correctly. Yet I understand that there is a balance between good and bad. Recently, I discovered that I am a multipotentialite. Before, I could not understand myself. I had an interest in one thing after another. For example, I would try programming a software for my computer. Then I would move on to making a robot before finishing. And it turns into a cycle. I learn something new every day. However, if it is not in my interest, it will fade away in a few days. Moreover, I learned many things about myself thus far.

2. I have several people that were most influential in giving me feedback about myself. One of them is my aunt. She helped me many times in the past. Well, she tried her best to help me. However, since everyone lives with it, I should deal with it. She …show more content…

The three most important qualities of a successful satisfying life are love, trust and forgive. Love is the most important because it makes us who we are. It came from our parent’s first, then other family members, then to our friends. Love can change whom you are in your life. Trust is the second most important because it can make you stress. For example, if you are married, you have to trust your partner; otherwise, your relationship is not going to work. Moreover, that goes with every other relationship you have in including friends. You need to believe in yourself before you can trust someone else. Forgiving yourself and others is third most important since we all make

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