What Are The Similarities Between Switched At Birth And Pretty Little Liars

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Teenagers spend a lot of time watching TV or Netflix. Two shows that have appealed to teenagers are Switched at Birth and Pretty Little Liars. Although both shows get high ratings, Switched at Birth is a better show than Pretty Little Liars. Switched at Birth has a better thought out storyline, better actors, and more diversity within the show. The storyline is a huge factor in making a great show. In Pretty Little Liars the show is based off of someone trying to get revenge on other teenagers at their school. The revenge seeker starts killing anyone that gets in their way and won’t stop until they have accomplished their mission. The storyline in Pretty Little Liars is not too believable because a teenager does not normally kill people …show more content…

Diversity among the show makes it more relatable to a wider range of viewers. There is not a whole lot of diversity on the set of Pretty Little Liars. The show is split up into three main groups that most high schoolers can relate to. The main characters belong to the popular crowd. Everyone knows them and everyone wants to be them. The lesser-known characters are known as the non-populars in the show. There are a lot more non-populars than there are populars and many people can relate to how they feel. The majority feels left out and always striving to fit in so they are not the one being made fun of. Among the two high school crowds, there are also revenge seekers. They are the ones that try and get back at everyone that humiliated them at some point in their lives. Although many teenagers can fall into one of these categories, Pretty Little Liars is not as diverse as Switched at Birth. Of course there are the populars and the non-populars within the show as well as a couple revenge seekers here and there, but those are not the main focus of the show. One of the huge groups that Switched at Birth showcases is multi-ethnic families and characters. One of the families in the show comes from a Spanish background. They show many cultural aspects that are not shown in Pretty Little Liars. One example of this is by showing an episode about a famous Mexican artist, Frida. Another thing that makes Switched at Birth really diverse is all of the controversial subjects. There are many controversial topics, such as abortion or gay marriage, which are covered in the show. Both sides of the issue are present in such a way that it is appealing, and not annoying, to all viewers. On top of appealing to the multi-ethnic and political minded people, Switched at Birth also appeals to the disabled. One of the main characters is deaf. Another one of the characters

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