What Are The Pros And Cons Of Youth Competitive Sports

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Would you play Youth Competitive Sports if you knew that sports increase physical activity and promote life lessons? These sports have been controversial lately, but there are many positives to look at. Although critics may argue that Youth Competitive Sports encourage kids to do dangerous activities and forget about the benefits, there are many reasons of why Youth Competitive Sports offer many benefits. Youth Competitive Sports helps kids on and off the field help improve their physical well-being. Again, Youth Competitive Sports help kids on and off the field, as this is just one of the benefits. As, the website, “Pros and Cons of Sports Competition at the High School Level” states, “ When children and teens participate in group competitions …show more content…

As the article, “Sports Promote Healthy Weight in Teenagers” states, “ ‘I think being a part of some kind of team or organization gives kids the opportunity to have moderate to vigorous activity consistently,’ said Keith M. Drake, an author of the study and a postdoctoral research fellow at the Hood Center for Children and Families at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth”(O’Connor 1) This shows how sports teams help kids have vigorous activity which lowers weight, which can be linked to overall well-being. Also, the article, “Pros and Cons of Sports Competition at the High School Level”, states that “ Involvement in sports can actually help the body produce more positive chemicals, such as endorphins and adrenaline, which creates more stable moods, positive feelings of happiness, and decreased feelings of depression or sadness ” (Chen 8) This illustrates how sports can lead to positive feelings, and overall happiness, which is important for young children. Finally, the article, “Pros and Cons of Sports Competition at a High School Level states that, “Involvement in sporting activities keeps children moving and engaged physically, vital for their overall health and well-being” (Chen 8) This further explains how when children play sports, they are benefitting their overall

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