What Are The Five C's Of Historical Thinking?

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1. What is wrong with the question that serves as the title for this book? What will be a dominant theme of this book? (Preface)
What appears to be wrong with the question that serves as the title of the book is that it instigates an answer, when in fact; there can be no concrete answer because there are only arguments on both sides. A dominant theme of this book will be the importance in the understanding of history, and that without it, there cannot be consensus on historical arguments; especially those regarding America’s foundation as either a Christian or non-religious nation.

2. What are three ways that the past is relevant to us today? (Introduction, as follows)
History allows us to find how we fit into our homes, communities, and nations. It also gives us a common ideal; to know from where we came and from there, know where we are going. As individuals, we can also use history to understand the heart, value, and belief that caused our nation to become strong. It brings a people together, keeping them strong.

3. What are the five “C’s” of historical thinking?
• History changes over time.
• History must be understood in context.
• The causality of history is very important.
• History is complex.
• History is contingent.

4. What is the difference between the way that a lawyer and a …show more content…

There were Christians in leadership, wars practically based on the differences in Christian beliefs, laws written suggesting reliance on Christian principles, etc. He then goes on to say that the 18th century gives two sides, as our founding documents were not Christian, however, they alluded to God. In that time, there were also policies that required governments in some states to have Christian leaders. The book also states that there were a variety of beliefs in the group of Founding Fathers. Some were devout Christians, while others paid little care to

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