Religious Influence On Colonial America

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Religion, the world has forever changed, because of the beliefs of people and their religious beliefs. Jamestown is one of the first colonies we see trying to change this, when they established their government they made sure church and state were kept separate. Religious beliefs mixing with politics is one of the main reasons the colonies began to form. Separation of church and state helped to end the influence that religion had on politics. However, when looking at events that occurred even after that like, the Second Great Awakening and the Seneca Falls Convention, you notice how, even still, America’s political system was still being affected by religion. Therefore, even though it was purposely made separate, politics were still affected by religion. Colonies in America have always been different from Britain, the whole reason people started settling there was so they could get away from the mother country. When they started to settle in their colonies, the people had to form their own government and learn from the mistakes of other ones, so when establishing theirs, they kept church and state separate. Doing this helped put an end to the influence that religion had on politics, making it difficult to use religion as an excuse anymore. Generations and …show more content…

During the Second Great Awakening everyone was religious and they were upset about the Temperance and the Abolitionist movements. Commoners spoke to the governmental figures about their grievances and what they thought needed to be done and they listened, the higher figures let the religion of the people and of themselves influence their jobs as political figures. Women, Native Americans, and African Americans alike were all involved in this religious revival, everyone played a part in the influentialness of the religion over the

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