What Are The Elements In The Masque Of The Red Death

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Michael Ruiz once said “Everyone dies. There’s no point in fighting it.” “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe is about a prince that was hiding from the plague but in the end the disease killed him and all of his followers. The elements gloomy, decaying settings, supernatural beings, air of mystery and suspense, and character in distress, all make this story gothic. The element gloomy, decaying setting, is a big factor in this short story. “ All these and security were within. Without was the “Red Death.” Prince Prospero had a castle that was hidden and hard to find from anyone with the plague and was extremely secure, or he thought. Not only could people not get in, they couldn’t get out either. Prince Prospero claimed it was a nonstop party. There was seven rooms all had a themed color, everything in the room was the same color. The first is blue, then purple, green, orange, white, and violet. There is also a window put just right to give each room a neat lighting effect. The seventh room was different than all the rest it was the farthest room, and it was all black with the windows a dark red. …show more content…

The supernatural being is the Red Death, which is a plague that kills people. “ The “Red Death” had long devastated the country. No pestilence had ever been so fatal, or so hideous.” Prince Prospero tried to lock out the Red Death and anyone that was affected by it, by keeping himself and everyone that was still safe locked in the castle. They were having a masquerade ball in the castle and having a good time when a strange man walked in. Nobody knew him and he was dressed very strange, almost like the Red Death. Everyone just stared, scared to make a move. Prospero spoke up and was killed by the “man”, that then made everyone go mad and ran to the guy and unmasked him, only to find nothing. There was no man it was the Red Death. Everyone in the town died from the Red Death, it was

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