What Are The Benefits Of Studying Dystopian Literature

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Studying Dystopian Literature help us understand what changes we need to make in our society Would you want a society where You are not able to show your strengths whether it was physical or mental, forcing someone at risk that it might lead to death,relying on technology too much you lose the reality to life and depend on technology the whole time. If you're confused what dystopian literature is it means,a genre or fictional writing which is used to explore social and political structures basically stories that are in a dark nightmare world hurting people in the stories. Studying dystopian literature helps us understand what changes we need to make in our society, Inferring to able to show are true strengths,never put someone at risk, to not always relying on technology. …show more content…

As Harrison Bergeron shouts to the society “ Even as i stand here “ he bellowed, crippled, hobbled, sickened- I am a greater ruler than any man who ever lived! Now watch me become what I can become” (Billey Ray, 4) Harrison Bergeron as a story for dystopian literature Harrison wanted for people to reveal their ability that they made for and that is there strengths. In the story the government forced the society to were handicaps so you wouldn't show your abilities and the way they were treating you was cruel and awful and we should not have that in our society because everybody should show their strengths. In conclusion we should always show our abilities no matter what someone says or forces you to

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