Glessner Lee Research Paper

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Like other wealthy girls her age, Fanny was introduced to society at 19, then married a lawyer, Blewett Harrison Lee, on February 9, 1898 at the age of 20. They moved into one of two twin townhouses that her parents had built for she and her brother. The two had three children together and Glessner Lee led an “unextraordinary life.” In 1914, after many unhappy years and a long separation, Glessner Lee and her husband divorced and she moved into her own home, The Cottage on her property The Rock. Glessner Lee had always expressed interest in forensic pathology, but had been discouraged. She had a lifelong love of dolls, dollhouses, and models, and a joy of Sherlock Holmes stories. As a mother she would build models of things for her children.

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