What Are George Orwell's Motives For Writing

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Reading these was an interesting reflection on how others write and how they get their thoughts down onto paper. Personally for me I did not connect with Drew Hansen as much. I didn’t 100 percent connect with Joan Didion, but I did understand where she was coming from and the reasons for why she wrote. For me I connected with George Orwell’s reason of why he writes the most from the way he describes his beginnings to his motives for writing. I like the way that he described his life very briefly throughout the piece, not only his personal life but the world around him and how that had an effect on what he wrote, and I think that is important. For me, showing where you came from is very important. His story of his patriotic poem during the great war that was printed in his newspaper I think is a very important think to include. Subsequently, …show more content…

He goes on with his discovery of word choice and they to his ideals for writing motives. These being Sheer egoism, Aesthetic enthusiasm, Historical impulse, and Political purpose. What's interesting is that when this was published/written in 1946, these all kind of add together to the time of Orwell’s life.The historical and political for conflicts and confrontations going on in the world, and the egoism and aesthetic just being in the society of that time.
Now for why I write. I rarely write for fun, which probably should change for the better, but that is not unlike many. Like many I write, when I have to write for school or any other academic activity. Writing interest for these assignments only go as deep as the material for the or the assignment itself actually goes. If the topic is interesting I will be much more excited to write about

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