Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell

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George Orwell used an English language so simply and accurately to express what he mean, and at the same time with great meaning. He was telling the story about of a revolution by farm animals against their cruel and dissolute master, and about their subsequent fortunes. This was the book that Orwell most prepared for. In 1943, Orwell felt people's admiration for Russian war effort. He was very conscious, so he felt how English communists used their position as unofficial representatives of the USSR to prevent the truth from coming out. Also Orwell was an anti-communist, throughout the book he is on the side of the animals. Also one of the Orwell's goals in writing "Animal Farm" was the portray the Russian Revolution (Bolshevik) on 1917.
Each animal has their own abilities, to find their role in society. The point is that "all animals are equal". Also in this story pigs were the most intelligent animals, they were supervisers of all the animals in farm. In England animals served as slaves. Orwell examined socialism in a number of his nonfiction works, he was prompted to write Ani...

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