Welcome To Leith Spark Notes

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The 2015 reflective documentary, “Welcome to Leith” brings attention to the gun-trotting White Supremacist, Craig Cobb, and his attempt to assert his dominance and gain total jurisdiction over the city of Leith, North Dakota. Over a period of eight months, Michael Beach Nichols and his crew filmed the final weeks that lead up to infamous fascist influencer’s incarceration. With a whopping population of 24 people, mostly consisting of farmers and their families, Mr. Cobb relocated and purchased his first property in Leith for only five-hundred dollars in May of 2012. At first, his neighbours described him as being a quiet but estranged individual who kept to himself most of the time. Little did the townspeople know, Cobb had much bigger plans. He slowly but surely started to build his empire by accumulating about thirteen separate …show more content…

By December 2013, Cobb’s determination to create a White Nationalist community grew and his actions became increasingly threatening. Incorporating numerous members of the National Socialist movement, Cobb’s family of Skin-Heads began to thrive. In their savage attempt to force the people of Leith out of their homes, they planted their flags, posted signs encouraging hate crime around town and spray painted neon colour swastikas on the trees. However, it did not take long for the townspeople of Leith to get fed up with Cobb’s avid racism. Refusing to be intimated by his psychotic tendencies, the people fought back. They gathered video evidence of Cobb and his allies patrolling the neighbourhood armed with loaded weapons. In the video, Cobb can be seen verbally abusing and threatening one of his neighbours while motioning towards him with what we later find out to be is a loaded gun. The video also features the aftermath of a Neo-Nazi’s vandalization to a local woman’s car. Three of her tires has been

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