Website Filters in our Schools

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Website Filters in our Schools
The internet is an endless network of information; however it is not without its dangers, which is why website filters should be used by schools. Many people have been arguing lately over whether or not we should use website blocking software and firewalls in our schools. The answer to this should be very obvious. When you step back and take a look at all the good that these filters do, you realize that we need them in our schools. By using these filters, we make sure our children are not exposed to inappropriate content and media, we make it easier for students to conduct research, and we make sure the internet is not distracting our kids from learning.
When students look things up on a search engine, they are assessing everything on the internet that has anything to do with what they typed into the search box. Many do not realize that they could unintentionally open an inappropriate website. To add to this, there are many people on the internet that mean our children harm. These people sit and wait for unsuspecting victims to wander into one of the...

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