Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Research

554 Words2 Pages

The objective of this essay is to compare Internet research with other sources of information which include books, word of mouth and primary research. This paper will also look at ways of ascertaining the validity of research information for academic work.
Compared to books and journals, internet research saves time that the researcher would have needed to put into searching through various books and articles for information. It is also cheaper and more convenient than having to search for credible experts to interview. Internet research conducted from a single location has the potential to retrieve a wide range of relevant and direct information which makes research faster and more efficient. The many stages of review a book is required to pass through before publication helps to verify the credentials of the author and the authenticity of the facts contained in publication. While this may be an advantage, it also poses the problem of making it difficult for authors and publishers to keep up with new findings. On the other hand, internet materials can be updated easily and made read...

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