We Should Have A Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Zoos are around the world, in the hottest weather and the coldest and yet some people seem to not appreciate it. A Lot of people think that humanity is wasting their money on animals that don’t benefit the people of critics, but yet they don't realize that animals are not just for being benefited in anything. Zoos give opportunity for animal to be safe and be valuable. We should always have zoos. “According to AZA over 180 million visitors to zoos it accredits participate in educational program each year, including over 50 million students”. According to the description in the article zoos benefit in the academics humanity. Giving an opportunity to get interested in something they see and believe can they can do it better, in a matter of having fun and experiencing new things. In short words the students get a lot of benefits not counting in money or anything related, but in having to see the world of wildlife and how creative and outstanding it can be. Second, it gives the humanity to see real world wildlife. For example having to see an animal on television is not the same as seeing it in real life, having to touch, feel, and hear how they really …show more content…

According to people's “Theory” people who take care of the animals in the zoo take advantages of the money they receive each they a visitor goes in, but people don't know that each dollar that the zoo receives goes to the animals. For example; animals that are being rescued each day they need treatment and somewhere to stay. Animals that are sick and have been abused need a home and zoos are a big life savers for this animals. Just as article states “ In 2002, U.S. authorities seized six polar bears from a mexican circus that was touring puerto rico.the circus had abandoned the beard and left them in the sweltering heat, the bear had been physically abused and were severely

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