We Fought Back Sparknotes

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The book We Fought Back is about Frank Blaichman and how he was a teen resistance fighter. The author of this book is Allan Zullo. Frank Blaichman was born on December 11, 1922 in Eastern Poland. He was important becauses he was a resistance fighter for Poland and all the Jews who were being killed by the Nazis. Frank Blaichman is still alive and is 94 years old. Frank Blaichman lived with his father and grandmother who both owned little shops on the corner of a street. He did not go to school because his family was too poor to afford it. Even though Frank did not have much he was still joyful and thankful for what he did have. As an adult Frank became a resistance fighter at age 16. Later when he was 21 years old he became a platoon commander for a resistance group. For the rest of his adult life he fought as a resistance fighter until the war was over. He had to face many challenges including very cold and wet climates. Frank did not get much sleep because he was constantly on the move to other places. He was a very brave …show more content…

Three things that made Frank important was that he was a brave and courageous fighter, he loved to help fellow Jews, and he saved more than 200 Jews. He contributed to his field of specialty by getting weapons and food for them. He also helped wounded men by carrying them or caring for them. He did this because he loved his fellow fighters. Frank defended many villages when they were under attack by the Nazis. He was never too scared to take on a task because he knew who he was helping. I admire Frank Blaichman most because he was a good fighter and did so that he could help other people. Frank fought war with toughness and bravery always being patient with what was going on. He was never too scared in any situation. He was an overall good fighter. He always knew what to do and when to do it. Frank was always there for his fellow fighters no matter the situation. That is why I admired him so

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