We Don T Want You Faux Feminism Summary

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Feminism has been one of the hot topics that has been trending all over the world in recent years. The world today has changed, and many people have advocated for women’s rights and equality between the two sexes. However, as DiGangi notes in her article “Aziz Ansari Reminds Us That We Don’t Want You Faux Feminism” it becomes evident that some men are not genuine in their support for feminist endeavors. According to DiGangi, Ansari, who was trending on social media and praised for his feminism only did that in public and in private, he mistreated women. DiGangi goes further in the article to describe how people should in full support of feminism in order for their efforts to count. The article uses anecdotes, an authoritative tone, and first-person point of view in order to get the message across and allow the reader to realize that people who support feminism should do so wholeheartedly.
Point #1
The main point of DiGangi is strengthened by an anecdote that focuses on the …show more content…

For instance, she would have used some information from an article such as “Men Doing Feminism” by Digby to show how men who claim to be feminist should act both in public and private. Digby asserts that “men should fully participate in feminist actions in order for them to be considered feminists” (Digby, 2013). The article further provides examples of men who truly support feminism as well as various aspects related to feminism and men’s lives, and this would have been a good source to further strengthen the point that DiGangi is making in her article. Nonetheless, the rhetorical strategies she used were sufficient to make the reader have some understanding about the issue at

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