Water Privatization Essay

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Globalization and water privatization is a known topic among worldwide countries that suffer from water insecurities. Places such as Bolivia, Lagos in Nigeria, Antigua, Morocco and more.
In the article World Water Day: one in four children will live with water scarcity by 2040 expressed its concern for water in poor countries where elders, children, and parents, and everybody will suffer from water loss. It discussed it’s concern with a “drought conditions and conflict are driving deadly water scarcity in parts of Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen.” 9 million people will have undrinkable, bacterial water. It is predicted that many will die due to malnutrition. The globalization that is taking place in Middle East and Asia …show more content…

Non of the profits they make is givento the people. I mean they cut their water supplies so that they dont attain water at home or from the well, etc... I was shocked that the companies use that water pipe to make make a business of selling bottled water to other countries around the world. Private corporations view water as money, not as a basic human necessity. It boils my blood becase theyre rich people that don’t have the need to make more money, but greediness wins over ethics. The people in the corporations don’t understand struggling and makig minimal money. Instead of helping the countries theyre worsening them and causing conflict between the people, the government, and the corporation. Water shouldn’t be sold, but shared, maintained, and kept protected from malicious and greedy corporations as well as

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