Wason Confirmation Bias

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Most people have biases, however some people are more bias than others, but people have their own biases whether they are aware or not. People prefer to confirm why they are right and they want to convince others by providing reasoning and evidences. For instance, researchers often use confirmation biases when they began an experiment. More simply, researchers often do studies on topics they have some background information on, because they want to confirm their beliefs. According to Raymond S. Nickerson (1998), author and researcher of Confirmation Bias: A Ubiquitous Phenomenon in Many Guises believes confirmation bias occurs when one is attempting to find or understand evidences they often seeking information that will confirm beliefs that …show more content…

C. Wason was interested in confirmation bias, because he wanted to see if participants would make an assumption and use evidence and reasoning to confirm their bias.Wason conducted an experiments with twenty-nine undergraduate psychology students. The participants included seventeen men and twelve women. Wason’s procedures for his experiment included college participants that made educated guesses about a rule that can be confirmed based off three numbers that he presented on a record sheet. The college participants were able to uncover the rule by recording numbers on their sheet that could pertain to the rule. After participants recorded their guesses of a possible rule, they were informed if their guesses confirmed or disconfirmed to the actual rule. Participants were given unlimited guesses, so they can uncover the actual rule. During the experiment, Wason discovered that participants did statistically better when they made eliminative guesses, than participants that decided to make enumerative guesses. Wason conforms the rule and provides his reasoning with statistics, so there was a statistical significance. Others have followed Wason and conducted the similar studies, but they made their own changes to the experiment. For instance, Wason verbally informed participants if their guesses conformed to the rule. However, Michael E. Gorman and Margaret E.Gorman wrote Y or N, which indicated if the participants guesses conformed to the rule. More simply, Gorman and …show more content…

For instance, Wason only had one experimental group, which allowed participants to make guesses to uncover the rule. While, Gorman and Gorman had more experimental groups that included participants that were disconfirmatory, confirmatory, and did not have a strategy when they made guesses about the rule. Gorman and Gorman added additional groups and manipulations to their experiment to examine techniques that participants will use based off the information they were given. They hoped to find how participants number of guesses varied based on the information they had, and the techniques they used. During their experiment, they discovered participants that used disconfirmatory as a techniques had more correct rules, than participants who were confirmatory or did not have a strategy. Gorman and Gorman experiment was not the same as Rossi, Caverni, and Girotto. For instance, Gorman and Gorman ended the experiment by informing participants of the correct, while Sandrine Rossi , Jean Paul Caverni and Vittorio Girotto ended the experiment when the right rule was guessed. According to Rossi, Caverni, and Girotto (2001), authors and researchers of Hypothesis Testing in a Rule Discovery Problem: When a Focused Procedure is Effective, states “if they announced the correct rule, the experiment ended” (p.265). Rossi, Caverni, and Girotto allowed participants to make guesses, until they knew the correct

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