Was Thomas Jefferson Justified Dbq

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Thomas Jefferson was a slave holder and the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence. Many will assume he was a racist and pro-slavery, but unless one were to look deeper into why Jefferson would even own slaves, this assumption is very believable. I would say Thomas Jefferson was a hypocrite, but he was justified hypocrite. As I think about why would Jefferson would want the abolishing of slaves, but on the other hand own slaves, it seems a bit hypocritical, but we must take a moment and really think was his hypocrisy justifiable? During this era nearly every successful white man owned slaves, so why would Jefferson not own them himself? Slaves were not just considered property, but they had valuable characteristics about them. They …show more content…

To be frank I think the entire first Document of the Declaration of Independence is extremely hypocritical. Nowhere stated in the excerpt, were slaves pointed out, but instead “all Men”. Does this “all men” include those of color as well, and not just whites? This document alone is hard evidence of why many believe Jefferson as being pro-slavery. On the other hand, Jefferson was entitled to have slaves, because that is pretty much what everyone practiced during this time. Yes, he knew slavery was complete and utterly wrong, but slavery was also popular among rich white men. As time passed Jefferson began the process of wanting to abolish slavery and even free some of the slaves that

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