Was Tamir Rice Unjustified?

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How would you feel if your child was killed ? While plauing inside of a park with a toy gun ? Well this is what happened to Tamir Rice . On November 23 , 2014 was the day Tamir Rice another young african-american boy was killed by the police. Due to the fact that the police fept very threatened by Tamir Rice , Just like all the other African-American men that were killed by the police. On this day some felt as if this case was justified and some felt it was unjustified. I felt that this case was unjustified because it was an racial crime , officer ignored proper procedure however ; his only threat was being a 12 year old with a toy gun.

The killimg of Tamir Rice was an racial crime , if Tamir was a different race the situation would have been played out very differently. In the article the author Danyiko, Ryllie states "Are african-american men so threatening that they can get away with killing a 12 year old boy playing in the park?" Also stating that Tamir was listed as a "suspect" on every file on the case except for the investagators whereas he was listed "the victim". During the call they state that the dispatcher says " The dispatcher stated him as a juvenile with a gun " and didnt state if the gun was real or fake .Therefore showing that this was a racial crime. …show more content…

After the policeman got to the scene the officer was at least least 10 feet awat from Tamir before he had sh0t and killed him . Researchers say "the police officer wasn't hired from another police department due to the fact that his tactics were very poor ". Also proof that the officer didn't follow proper procedure due to the fact that the Police Foundation said "The police man should've been trained when dealing with people who may or could be

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