Was Caesar Honorable

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You all are understandably anger at the conspirators. We just killed your leader, but we did it with good intentions. Caesar would have brought us down with him. With him as sole ruler of Rome, we would end up in flames. I know that many of you are angry with Caesar's death. I know many of you are angry with us for killing him. I know many of you seek revenge for Caesar (Condupitico). I can assure you, it was for the best. Caesar was dangerous, it was for the best that we got rid of him before he doomed Rome to destruction with his ambition. He was ambitious, he was foolish, he was arrogant (Asyndeton). Rome does not deserve to be ruled over a dictator. From the beginning I knew there were only two options if Caesar became king… to kill him or kill myself (aposiopesis).
What that fool Mark Antony told you is false, Brutus is an honorable man. He committed the crime for his love of Rome. Do you believe that an honorable man like Brutus would do something malicious to Rome(Rhetorical question)? I do not want to bring this up, but Caesar is not all powerful as he claimed to be (Paralipsis). As a fellow Roman, I want what is best for Rome and its people. When our knives dove into his back, …show more content…

With him passing away, Rome is allowed to be free men rather than slaves (Euphemism). Justice begged the conspirators use to take his life, in order to save the people (Antithesis). I care about all Romans, so that’s why I killed its leader (Irony). It may not have been the best decision, but it was one that needed to be made for the good of Rome. Caesar might seemed like a god, but in reality he was weak and he was arrogant and he was only human (Polysyndeton). With Caesar in charge, Rome would be chaotic, Rome would in flames, Rome would be in ruins (Anaphora). Killing him was the only option to benefit Rome. He would have led us to total destruction

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