Warren St. John Outcasts United Summary

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A study done by the Public Policy Institute of California showed that 36% of first generation immigrants had not graduated high school. This study shows that immigrants have a very rough start and refugees across the country struggle to live good and solid lives. As soon as the refugees get here we are leaving them all on their own with minimal direction or instruction to go by. Just imagine yourself being dropped into an unknown country most likely not knowing the language and having no clue what anything is. This feeling is how refugees coming to the U.S. feel, and most live in complete poverty for their whole lives. We need to give these refugees a good start in their new homes, and make sure they are being successful. In the story "Outcasts United" by Warren St. John it talks about how the families that have moved to Atlanta from various war torn countries struggle to live a normal life. Many parents of the kids barely get to see their children and rely on them to take care of the house and infants. These living conditions make it very hard for the children to get a good education, and better their families lives. Without a good education these families will live in poverty for many generations. The children that try to get an education are immediately at a disadvantage …show more content…

For example we gave $325,000 to a program called RoboSquirrel that created a robot squirrel. Even though this squirrel was used for scientific research it was still very minor, and we could have used on so many more important things relating to the refugee crisis. It would be fine if this was one of a few projects that are useless, but the fact is there are so many that it seems we are just throwing money down the drain. If we used this money for helping all of the refugees we take in they could have a much smoother transition into a new

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