War On Fat People Fat

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Why do Americans dislike fat people? It could have been rooted during World War I when people thought of it as hording needed food. Some think it is thought of as lazy. But have we really thought it is not the people who are fat who have the problem? Maybe it is the thin people who enjoy being angry at something and having something to complain about.
Kate Dailey and Abby Ellin explain, in their story America’s War on the Overweight, different times when fat people were outcast and how it seems to make other people mad. One example is during World War I people started to accuse and reject other people whom where over weight. During the war food was scarce and people were made to save food for war efforts. Everyone was stretched thin during …show more content…

They quote Ryan Martin saying, “People actually enjoy feeling angry.” Some people need a scapegoat to put all their anger on, “it makes them feel powerful, it makes them feel greater control” states Martin (qtd. by Daily and Ellin 578). Maybe it is not the fat people who have a problem; maybe it is the ones making it a problem who have a problem. Marlene Schwartz was quoted saying, “People are less likely to seek out healthy behaviors when they are criticized by friends, family, doctors, and others”(qtd. by Daily and Ellin 579). So why do Americans dislike fat people? Whether it is someone thinking they are getting less food than others or one just needs to be angry at something, there is a problem with fat hating. People need to stop discriminating against other people who are overweight. Daily and Ellin talk about how being obese is a metical condition and people need help fighting it. Today it seems like the overweight are getting a harder blow than obesity is. “The idea is to fight obesity and not obese people,” states Deborah Levine, “but it’s very hard for many people to disentangle the two” (qtd. by Daily and Ellin

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