Summary Of Fat Acceptance By Cynara Geissler

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“Fat Acceptance”: An Argument Lacking Validity

Cynara Geisslers’ essay “Fat Acceptance: A Basic Primer,” was published in Geez Magazine in 2010. The focus of the essay is to refute the pressure of society to be thin and promote self-acceptance regardless of size. While this essay touches on many agreeable points, it tends to blow many ideas out of context in an attempt to create a stronger argument. The article takes on a one-sided argument without any appropriate acknowledgement of the opposition, overlooks the risks of ignoring personal health, and has a strong feminist ideology associated towards the essay which tends to make the validity of her argument questionable.

The one sided approach of the essay is truly noticeable as, in all …show more content…

Geissler continually argues that one should make their own choices and others should worry about themselves (Geissler). She also makes the point that dieting is without positive results, supported by her quote from Allison which states, “suffering does not enable; it destroys” (Geissler). While in extreme cases dieting can be dangerous due to the risk of starvation that extremists may put themselves at, healthy eating of smaller portion sizes a proven way to care for our bodies. Although dieting is not guaranteed to give remarkable results, it is the stepping stone for many to climb out of obesity. The viewpoint used by the author in her argument tends to constantly turn a blind eye to normal circumstances, and it instead looks for the negatives that support her. Geissler goes as far to say “[what you] put in your body is your own business…” (Geissler) which is actually quite a dangerous way of viewing things. Without outside reinforcement many would not strive to be healthy, nor have the wakeup call they need to focus on being healthier. The vantage point the author uses in pushing the argument of ‘Fat Acceptance’ is one of poor …show more content…

The argument she gives is something that is very empowering following the first read. In reality, this being a magazine means that the article would often not be read more than once and the viewpoint rarely questioned. “Fat Acceptance” is well suited for this magazine as it is from a left wing feminist perspective and really pushed the ideology of this viewpoint, catering to the demographic this magazine is intended for. The essay goes as far as subtly attacking the functionalist perspective of manufacturing, business, and capitalism at the end, saying “[the] capitalism diet culture is the business of manufacturing failure” (Geissler). Following this point it is quite apparent that Giessler is intending to push her social beliefs on the reader in a very clever way. The use of a highly debated topic give good reason for someone to give the essay a read without prior knowledge of the underlining message within the essay. As a result of this, one can understand why this eassy was published in this magazine and has received limited

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