War Is Peace Quotes

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Despotism is the best way to describe the type of society this excerpt gives off: the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive way. The is a plethora of scenes in which you see the use of power. Through despotism, you can observe and feel the dystopia, hypnotism, and fear radiating from the society.

First off, the society strongly creates a dystopian-like atmosphere and it's conspicuous throughout the whole text. There wasn't even one scene where you can't feel it. "WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH."(Pg. 4) This quote is the symbol of dystopia. In the first part of the quote, it states that war is peace. That statement contradicts each other. In war, there is death, bloodshed, contention, warfare, while in peace none of this happens. In peace, there is tranquility, the cessation of war or violence. Therefore, war isn't peace. The same applies to the other two parts in the quotation. Each part in the slogan is contradictory. Slavery is the state of being a slave with a restricted freedom which contradicts Big Brother's slogan. In the final part of the quote, ignorance isn't strength. When a government or the party is doing …show more content…

The text is shown like a puppet show. The peoples of the nation are the marionettes while Big Brother is the puppeteer. The majority of the people are mindless vessel stored with specific commands to obey the party. "With a tremulous murmur that sounded like 'My Saviour' [...]. It was apparent that she was uttering a prayer." (Pg. 4) It is shown explicitly that people haven been hypnotized and it's not her, it's the entire group that is doing this chant. Moreover, they don't go against the teachings. It is even said in the text, "it was an act of self-hypnosis." (Pg. 4) Citizens in the text are worshiping a government like it's their religion and calling their totalitarian regime a

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