Wanderlust Research Paper

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Anthony Bourdain once stated, “Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life and travel leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks, on your body or on your heart are beautiful. Often, though, they hurt¨, however travel changes the ways we see the world. A synonym for travelling is wanderlust. Wanderlust is defined as ¨a strong, innate desire to roam or travel about¨ (Dictionary). Travel, wanderlust, whichever you call it, leaves physical, mental, and emotional marks on us. We have all felt that exhaustion from adrenaline rushes, the rush you receive when experiencing something new and out of your comfort zone, such as ziplining for the first time, or swimming with sharks. While travelling can be an exhausting experience, ¨The foremost benefits of it come from disengaging from the stress of our everyday life¨ (Kirkmayer). Kickback, relax and enjoy the time you have, as it has several health benefits. Studies have shown that "Men who did not take an annual vacation were shown to have a 20 percent higher risk of death and about a 30 percent greater risk of death from heart …show more content…

You're stunned a little bit, and your brain reacts by being engaged, and you begin to process on a deeper level¨ (Noel). Part of the thrill is the change, the change in language, the change in dialect, the change in the way others live, we may fear it, but, ¨Scientific studies show that neural pathways in your brain respond to the environment and to habits, so a change in either will stimulate your mind and make you more creative. The studies also reveal that actually engaging with new cultures will further improve creativity¨(Smith). Though the change may be frightening, breathe it all in take, take it all in, and most importantly embrace it, as you are experiencing life through someone else's´

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