W. E. B. Dubois The Souls Of Black Folk Analysis

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While growing up in the midst of a restrictive world, education becomes the rubicon between a guileless soul and adulthood. In the excerpt from W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois provides a roadmap for African Americans to discover and understand themselves through the pursuit of knowledge, self-awareness, and authenticity. The excerpt is a significant part of the essay because it also speaks for the modern day pursuit of knowledge, self-awareness, and authenticity, an indispensable path into finding one’s self. The pursuit of knowledge is a path that offers a platform into learning more about ourselves. Du Bois argues that the pursuit of knowledge is demanding work, he claims, “In those sombre forests of his striving his own soul rose before him, and he saw himself, – darkly as through a veil.” The “sombre forests” is a metaphor for the inevitable path taken during the pursuit of knowledge. The metaphor evokes an image of a morbid and gloomy path. …show more content…

It’s important to understand that the path will incline in it’s calamity, especially for youth, but it’s crucial for the pursuit of knowledge. The intercontinental world we live in is complete with diversity, making it essential for people to engage in educating themselves about all the wonders of the world. While taking into account that the pursuit of knowledge is a progressive road. Knowledge will then promote one into self-awareness, a chance for one to learn about themselves. During the pursuit of self-awareness, one learns to identify their strengths and weakness. This is a susceptible region, where youth must remember not to become indistinguishable with everyone else. Nevertheless, it allows for the pursuit of authenticity, the construction of one’s unique self. Then comes the horizon, the light behind the

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