W. E. B. Dubois In The Propaganda Of History

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Race Relations “There is a separation of colored people from white people in the United States. That separation is not a disease of colored people. It is a disease of white people” (Einstein, 1946). This quote from Albert Einstein introduces the controversial issue of race relations. Racial discrimination has been going on for centuries. Blacks are seen as the inferior race and have accumulated a negative connotation due to the issue of race relations. Many authors have given different views on race relations through their writings including W. E. B. Dubois in The Propaganda of History, Richard Wright in The Ethics of Living Jim Crow, and Gunnar Myrdal in An American Dilemma. W.E.B. Dubois was a founding member of the NAACP, the National …show more content…

In his writing, An American Dilemma, he studies race in America and gives “primary attention to what goes on in the minds of white Americans” (Myrdal, 1944). It is unique due to his unbiased opinion because he is from Sweden. In his study, he concluded that there is no difference between black and white people. During his study in America he concludes that the “black man’s problem” is essentially the “white man’s problem”. Myrdal also mentions the American Creed multiple times throughout his writing. The American Creed stresses “the value and dignity of the individual human being” (Myrdal, 1944). Furthermore, he claims that The American Creed was violated through the mistreatment of black people. There is a cycle that can be seen by the white’s oppression of the blacks. And Myrdle states that “if America does not turn fascist, the . . . dominant white population will be driven by . . . its desire to decrease the Negro population” (Myrdal, 1944). Furthermore, Myrtle claims that whites need to cure their prejudice or they need to improve the standing of black people. His work was later used in the famous Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case in 1954. This eventually resulted in federal action to end racial

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