Voting Persuasive Essay

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Around the world there are countries that still don’t allow some or all of their citizens to vote. However in America the right to vote is simply given to every American citizen over the age of 18. So you’d think that every US citizen over the age of 18 would be voting for everything, right? WRONG. Out of everyone in the US only 57% voted at our last presidential election. So out of the two hundred and forty-eight million people in the United States of as of November 30 who are eligible to vote only about 57% of the population will vote for the presidency. So out of two hundred and forty-eight million people only about one hundred and forty-three million citizens will cast their vote in the upcoming presidential election. And this is a vote …show more content…

This is probably one of the most common excuses and also the least reasonable of the top six. Voting isn’t like black friday there are more important things than great deals on toasters and lotion from Bath and Body Works at stake. By waiting in these lines you will be able to vote for those you think are worthy of representing yourself, your country, and your beliefs which is a great deal more important than toasters and lotion.
Fifthly, you don’t vote because you don’t like the candidates. This reason is absurd because even if you don’t like any of the candidates one of them will still be elected. So if you had to choose between losing one finger or two the vast majority of people will choose one because they believe that it is the lesser of the two evils. The same can be applied to voting. You may not like any of the candidates but you should still vote for who you think would do more good for the …show more content…

I mean it doesn’t really matter how many times you yell BEAM ME UP SCOTTY! I doesn’t work. BUT our alien overlords as Amanda Jordan calls them, seem to have thought of pretty much everything because they’re created an absentee ballot. So if you are unable to get to the polls for any number of reasons, like maybe you’re going to be away on vacation, or perhaps you’re just taking a holiday in your head, an absentee ballot still allows you to vote. There are four main types of absentee voting, Voting At A Different Polling Station, Postal Voting, Proxy Voting, and Internet Voting. Voting At A Different Polling Station is exactly what it sounds like, it’s where you are allowed to go to a different polling station and cast your vote. Postal Voting is where you can request a ballot and return it to the post office along with a certificate signed by a witness and their signature proving their identity. Proxy Voting is where you appoint someone you trust to cast your vote in your place. Although this is a legitimate way of voting it is better to vote in person because this method can be considered unreliable because votes remain anonymous so you have no way of knowing that your proxy voted for the candidates you wanted. But if you can’t get to the polls voting by proxy is better than not voting at all. The same applies to Internet Voting, it can be considered unreliable

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