Volunteer At UCSF Medical Center As A San Francisco Zoologist

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1. I have many skills, talents, and personal traits to which I can bring to volunteering. For example, I am great when it comes to organization and being on time. I have also volunteered at UCSF Medical Center in the past and have learned skills which could possibly apply to this volunteering position. Learning new rules and teaching others have always been a strong trait of mine. I train other volunteers at the Animal Resource Center as a Junior Zoologist in the San Francisco Zoo and can bring those skills to volunteering as well. I am also very good at learning new information quickly and being able to present it when needed. Some of the personal qualities i believe would make me a good match for this position would be my patience, determination, loyalty, and my hard working mentality. …show more content…

An example of a situation where my expectations were not met was when I was in fifth grade. I was always shy and promised myself that I would improve my public speaking skills because I didn't like being afraid of meeting new individuals. I would always be the shy kid in the corner, quiet person in class, or the individual that would be afraid to speak his mind during socratic seminars. I was bothered about this trait of mine that I applied to the Nature Trail Program at the San Francisco Zoo. The program allowed me to meet new people who all had similar interests in animals. During the program I pushed myself to be more outgoing and open to others. For the first two years of that program I had evolved to where I was talking to hundreds of people from the public for about twelve and a half hours a week during the summer. Since I have overcome the fear of speaking in general, I was able to successfully express my ideas is class and to new people I wanted to get to know. The skill of public speaking is also the most important to me because I am, and will always be surrounded by situations where I have to be comfortable with letting myself be known and creating

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