Volker Schlondorff's Death Of A Salesman

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The Death of a Salesman was directed by Volker Schlondorff in 1985. Dustin Hoffman played Willy Loman and Kate Reid played Linda Loman. The movie is based off of the play The Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller in 1949. The main theme of the movie is the pursuit of the American dream through money and other materialistic items. This is shown as Willy constantly talks about what they need to have in order to be happy. Or even what the kids have to get to be happy. One of the smaller themes of the movie is that you can’t change someone no matter how much you wish. So you should accept them for who they are and support them as much as you can. Life is uncontrollable and so are children you can only hope to guide them in the right direction. …show more content…

His mind plays tricks on him making him think that his flash backs are real so he ends up talking to himself. This among other things causes him to lose his job and it is all downhill from there. The relationship that he has with his sons is horrible and he completely ignores their wishes and wants in favor of what he thinks is right for them. Causing Biff and him to constantly fight. Towards the end Biff hugs him and cry’s trying to get his father to just accept him for who he is. His father completely misunderstands and thinks that Biff is agreeing with him and will become a businessman. Believing that his song will become a businessman if he had the money Willy decides to get it for him. Willy intentionally crashes his car so that they can use the insurance money to open a business. However, Biff still doesn’t want to be a businessman. Instead Willy’s other son, Happy ends up using it and following in his father’s footsteps. The whole concept of the movie is actually very realistic. Many people’s parents have done basically the same thing to …show more content…

The movie sucks you right in and you sit and soak up every drama filled moment that is playing. Others that have viewed it have obviously felt the same as me seeing as how it has won so very many awards. The Death of a Salesman has won a Golden Globe Award in 1986 and 3 different Primetime Emmy Awards in 1986 as well. It was also nominated for 3 other Golden Globe Awards and 6 other Primetime Emmy Awards also in 1986. I don’t think that it would have received as many awards as it has if others considered this a terrible production. The Death of a Salesman is a timeless classic that everyone can relate to on some point or another. Whether it is because this is how your parents treat you or because you recognize the materialistic nature of life. During the pursuit of happiness what Willy feels is paramount to the continuation of the

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