Vocation Or Exploration By Alina Tugend

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As a young girl in school, I always believed that I would one day would be successful and had the hope that a college education would assist me in being successful. I exceled in school even with circumstances such as hurricane Katrina and September 11 and had a thirst for knowledge. At the same time, the teachers that influenced me in life convinced me to attend college for the betterment of knowledge and a potential for a job or a career. However, those same teachers were teaching me textbook methods and no real on hand training that is essential in an education especially a college education. In "Vocation or Exploration? Pondering the Purpose of College”, Alina Tugend ponders the idea of college being either Vocation—job training— or Exploration learning. She starts off by referring to her oldest son is about to graduate high school, but quickly goes straight to the point of her essay with “What exactly is a university education for?” She provides answers such as college is a way to automatically receive a job if one majors in science, technology or a major that can be applied to a changing world that we live …show more content…

For instance, if a graduate was out in his or her field of –let’s say—biology and he or she are finding results are abnormal from what the originally hypothesis may have been. If one is not able to interpret and find out the reason of the abnormality, he or she would have spent unnecessary time even producing an experiment, for he or she did not use the critical thinking skills that an education can provide. Any major that is offered by a college should include critical thinking skills for the world is always changing and new discoveries are filled when it comes to the universe. Therefore, asking questions and being able to adjust is imperative to a student’s success in school and in the job market for his or her

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