Argumentative Essay: Does College Benefit More?

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For many students, college grants you the tools to succeed in life. You can major in your specific field, earn a degree for all your hard work, and eventually go into a job that pertains to that major. In these cases, college is extremely helpful. However, for others, college is a complete waste of students’ time. So if college could be both helpful and hurtful, then what is its true value? Who does college benefit more? The students? The professors? Or someone else entirely? Linda Lee, an author and editor, would claim that college is only helpful for the students who want to pursue a job in advanced degrees such as teaching, medicine, architecture, and the like. Anyone who goes to school for any other reason would be an insult to the professors who put all their time and energy into their lectures. To put it in her words exactly, “college education is especially being wasted on today’s youth.” In some ways, she is correct. There are many students who only go to secondary school for the “college experience”, i.e. college parties, …show more content…

His argue for college is based on money alone. Those with a college degree make 83 percent more than their counterparts. College graduates are also far less likely to be unemployed. Leonhardt also states that “education helps people do higher-skilled work, get jobs with better paying companies or open their own businesses.” Along with the massive wage gap and unemployment rates, college does help people acquire skills. “Fifty five percent of freshmen and sophomores made statistically significant progress on an academic test.” While that number doesn't seem very high, the margin of error was extremely high that many have made progress. So yes, college does pay off. It’s extremely helpful to students and to their future employers who are looking for those college

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