Vincent Van Gogh's, The Starry Night

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Vincent Van Gogh, The Starry Night.
Vincent Van Gogh’s, The Starry Night is one of the world-renowned paintings that the artist has under his belt. The story goes that he stood on the edge of a small town in France and expressed his personal feelings on a canvas. At first glance, I noticed the movements and the color schemes that he used. the strokes cause your eyes to move all across the painting and look at it in a way that would make you feel that you were there looking at the town also. It is evident that the painting was at night, but his placement of the sun and is the use of light colors to contrast the dark ones made the night pop. I looked closely and saw that his use of red oil made me focus on details more and look closely at his …show more content…

The painting looks like the stars are rushing through the sky in formation and causing a natural light over the small town. The painting itself is a big to me considering the fact that I have a hard time drawing on regular loose leaf paper. I believe he chose a canvas of this size because he wanted to fully express what he imaged and needed room to get everything off his mind. I feel that this painting was based on what he felt after he was a night and the sky was filled with stars and the stars did something to him and made him feeling something. The energy that is expressed shown that the stars in the sky have a deeper meaning of some sort. As I stated before with the focus you can see that the tree is also going in that direction and has the same motion as the stars. I believe that a picture is worth a thousand so I can’t say the meaning of the painting because only the artist knows the meaning, but I and other consumers can state what we think and believe the painting says to us. in my eyes the painting expressed what he felt about that night and a deeper issue within him and I honestly think the landscape isn’t the main focal point but the movement of the strokes and his interpretation of the stars in the sky. The stars in the sky are everything to me and I know that by me repeating movement is annoying but that is

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