Villain Research Paper

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In everyone’s life someone has a villain. In movies, they have villains, like in batman you have the joker. Why talk about villains in this biology essay? In the United States cancer and tumors are our villain. Cancer is a disease that happens by an uncontrollable division of cells that are abnormal in some part of your body.The development of cancer is a multistep process in which cells progressively become more infectious. Cancer is like an army and it attacks all your cells. There is no escaping the army because if they don’t destroy you all at once, they keep you as prisoners of war until you are completely vanished. A tumor is caused by an abnormal growth of tissue which swells a part of the body without inflammation. A lot of the genes …show more content…

Your body makes these fats by consuming excessive calories. Some foods that have fats come from animals and plants that are said to be dietary fats. Dietary fats are macronutrient that provides the energy for our bodies. Fats are essential to our bodies because it supports so many functions in our body. There is a bad side to fats because fats are high in calorie and can add up really quickly. If you eat a lot of calories, you will gain weight that can be excessive and you will have poor health. Some of these dietary fats can be the role into why we get really bad diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It can also be the role of cancer. It depends on the type and amount of dietary fats that are in your food that determines the effect that it will have on you and your health.(1998 …show more content…

In countries where there are much less cancer cases, for example like China, the fat that contributes there is about 15%-20% of the total calories.This kind of study shows the relationship between dietary fats and breast cancer. You can see how much the dietary fats are affecting women. (Napieralski 2001) In another study, the cohort studies, they had a large group of women without breast cancer and they were asked about their dietary habits. They asked about their consumption of foods that have oils and fats. The same women were contacted years later to see how many of these women had developed breast cancer or were on the risk of having breast cancer. No one in this study reported a significant increase in these women having breast cancer with a relation to a high fat intake. All these studies were done in western countries where their usual fat intake is about 30% of the total

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