Vicks Nyquil Commercial Analysis

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Vicks NyQuil (15 seconds) This commercial is promoting Vicks Nyquil medicine. In the beginning of the commercial the viewer can hear a telephone ringing in the background. A man knocks on a door saying, “Dave, I am sorry to interrupt. I got to take a sick day tomorrow” (Vicks, 2015). The viewer is then presented with a baby. The commercial then states that dad’s do not take sick days. Therefore, they take Nyquil to feel better. Justification: This commercial uses attention, retention, and motivation • Attention: The commercial grabs the viewer’s attention by having a baby as one of the actors. First the viewer might have thought that the man was asking his boss for a day off. In reality, the man was asking his son for a day off. …show more content…

Viewers believe that if they use the product they will also see positive results just like Selena Gomez. Clorox This commercial is promoting Clorox over OxiClean. The commercial portrays two women who spilled sauce on their white shirts while making dinner. These women are expecting company so it is vital for them to remove the satin. One woman cleans her shirt with Clorox while the other uses OxiClean. In the end it shows how fast and simple it is to clean the stain with Clorox rather than having to wait six hours for OxiClean to work its magic. The women who used Clorox was ready to welcome her guests, but the women who used OxiClean was not. • Attention: The commercial grabs the viewers’ attention because the viewer will want to know which product works faster to remove unwanted stains. It also uses music and a little humor. • Retention: When the viewer has a stain they will remember to use Clorox because this product removes stains faster. The viewer will remember that the lady who used Clorox was ready to receive her

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