Vibrio Vulnificus: A Case Study

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According to CDC statistics there are 80,000 illness and 100 death annually in the USA that is related to vibriosis in general (CDC, 2016); moreover, about 95% of seafood food poising cases in the USA are caused by Vibrio Vulnificus. (Outbreaknewstoday, 2015)

In 1979, the first case is documented .Vibrio Vulnificus is gram negative motile rods, halophilic, lactose fermenter, and it is considered as a pathogenic bacteria. This bacteria usually present in warm sea water, the infection is usually happen as a result of consumption of contaminated raw or undercooked sea food, and also it may happen in the form of wound infection through open wound. (Nicolas, 2011)

In 2015, an outbreak occurred in Florida which is caused by Vibrio

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