Objective vs Subjective Data in Nursing Assessment

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Objective data are observable and measurable. This information is usually obtained through the senses as sight, smell, hearing and touch, during the physical examination of the patient. During Mary was assessed, this is the objective data: symmetrical abdomen, bowel sounds in all quadrants, tender to palpation in the lower quadrants, guarding, skin is warm and moist and her lips and mucous membranes are dry.
Subjective data could be described as the vision that the individual has of a situation or series of events. This information cannot be determined by the nurse regardless of relationship or communication with the individual. Subjective data are often obtained during nursing anamnesis and include perceptions, feelings and ideas about the patient himself and on personal health status. Examples include descriptions of pain the patient does, weakness, frustration, nausea or confusion. Mary this information provided to the nurse that she was experienced nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain increasing in severity, diarrhea, and fever, and dry mouth. She tells, the nurse that she have had about abdominal pain for 12 hours with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Nursing note: …show more content…

Botulism is a neuroparalytic disorder characterized by the appearance of a descending flaccid paralysis produced by Clostridium botulinum toxin. The causal agent of this disease is a gram-positive anaerobic bacillus survives in soil and marine sediments through the formation of vegetative spores. Clostridium botulinum spores germinate favored by certain environmental conditions. The bacillus, during growth and autolysis releases a potent neurotoxin responsible for the symptoms of the disease. There are 7 types of toxin designated A through G. The toxin is absorbed from the intestinal tract and into systemic circulation to reach neuromuscular endings. At this level it binds to receptors on nerve endings

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