Veterans Literature Review On Veterans

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Literature Review Pertaining to veterans, depression is one of the leading causes for disability. It is also one of the most costly chronic conditions when it comes to health care expenditures and lost productivity (Desai, Rosenheck, & Thomas, 2006). There are several reasons for why a veteran can be facing depression. Factors can come from war and some can be from coming back home. Depression is a serious disorder that typically goes undiagnosed and untreated. Because of this, routine screening for depression has been advised so that more occurrences for depression could be found and more people can be assisted. Pertaining to veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs (also known as the VA), requires annual depression screening for veterans who are not already receiving treatment. This will ensure that those who are in need of services will have the appropriate ones for the exact issue that they are facing. Combat veterans commonly report guilt and depression following stressful military experiences. An example of this could be from a soldier fighting a war overseas and killing several people in the process. They …show more content…

This is where different approaches come forth and one in particular is health belief. Health belief is an approach that hopes to examine and predict health behaviors. What this particular approach can do is help enhance treatment seeking for depression. This approach shows the importance of understanding patients’ beliefs about mental health disorders and mental health treatment for veterans. Health beliefs are believed to be determining factors of help seeking behavior, treatment adherence, and clinical outcomes (Edlund, Fortney, Reaves, Pyne, & Mittal, 2008). Because health belief’s main role include education, its hope is to improve the prompting of treatment, the effectiveness of treatment, and fix the barriers for treatment that are in

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