Mental Health Care For Veterans Essay

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“In 2014, an average of 20 veterans died from suicide each day” (Thompson 1). Mental health care for veterans has been a long debated topic. For years people have debated whether or not veterans need more assistance, privatized health care, or a complete reform of the current veterans affairs programs. It should come as no surprise that with roughly 20 veterans committing suicide each day, this program needs help. Without help the mental health status of United States veterans will only continue to deteriorate, suicides will increase, and more people will go untreated. In order to help current and future veterans there needs to be a change within the staffing, funding, and overall urgency towards mentally ill veterans. Though many people assume that veterans are well taken care of after war, evidence of mental health disorders and large numbers of suicide suggest otherwise, therefore the VA program should be reformed.

Mental illness is no stranger to veterans of the U.S military, as far back as World War II there have been reports of mental disease among veterans. The most common mental illness among veterans is P.T.S.D (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), the severity of this illness usually increase due to a traumatic brain injury. Lifeline for Vets states that …show more content…

Alcohol and substance abuse is an extreme problem among veterans. “25% of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans showed signs of substance abuse disorder” (National Veterans Foundation 1). The Iraq and Afghanistan war is the largest war the U.S has been involved in recent years, to have such a high level of alcohol dependence is unacceptable. Another major problem among veterans is the abuse of prescription drugs. A 2008 study by (NIDA) showed that veteran and active duty military personnel had double the dependency on prescription drugs than a normal member of society

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