Ventriloquism Essay

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In its simplest form, ventriloquism is a conversation between a person and a puppet. It is an art form that is hypnotizing and charms people into suspending their rationale belief with the perception that the puppet is lifelike with a real personality.
Ventriloquism is grounded in the art of creating illusions. Ventriloquists cleverly convince the audience that their puppet is doing the talking, despite the fact that it defies common sense. How do they do this?
In its not-so-simplest form, ventriloquism relies on science—specifically, science related to how our brain works.
The Science Behind Ventriloquism
Scientists used to believe that a different part of the brain processed each of the five senses. As explained by Jennifer Groh, a neurobiologist, …show more content…

A voice cannot be thrown; the sound originates with the ventriloquist. Instead, the ventriloquist uses misdirection to make the sound appear to come from somewhere else. For example, the ventriloquist looks at the puppet as he talks to it, so the audience looks there too. This distracts the audience from trying to see whether the ventriloquist's lips are moving.
Ventriloquists capitalize on the brain’s desire to make sense of things. One old ventriloquism trick is using a puppet that is, at first, unseen. One famous ventriloquist kept his puppet stowed in a suitcase at the beginning of the show. As he was introducing himself, the puppet interrupted him. That sound–the interruption–is traveling through the air, so the mind cannot be sure where it is coming from. Meanwhile, the ventriloquist uses misdirection to help the audience figure it out. With an expression of surprise, the ventriloquist looks toward the suitcase. For those in the audience, the brain makes the connection between what it is seeing and what it is hearing and integrates the audio and visual into one

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