Veiling In Medieval Islam

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Since Islam rise began with the Prophet Muhammad, who was the leader of the Islamic community he began his prophetic mission estimated around the year 610 he was believed to be 40 at the time until his death in 631(8 Lindsay). Following his death, spit amongst his groups of followers emerged concerning who was suppose to be the next leader this created social and political disorder and unrest in the medieval Islamic community. The turmoil divided the groups into the three major groups the Sunnis, the Shias and Sufis who became more prominent around the tenth century (Lindsay 25). The difference between this sect is more political than creed. Although there is no dogmatic difference between all of them because they share the same scripture call …show more content…

It has the historical stigma and negative stereotypes associated with Islam for instance in the U.S the aftermath of the 9/11 evoked fear , anxiety and a rising sense of threat. The meaning of veiling had become an issue of ambiguity because it has a broader meaning that has been perceiving to be vague and has room for interpretation over time, the general concise is that it has a principle of modesty and includes behavior as well as the way of dressing. In our studying in class, we learn that veiling in the medieval Islamic world was predominantly for women of higher status because slaves and prostitutes were not condemned to veiling as we saw the historical drawing of women with their figures …show more content…

The intense opposition among supporters of Ali who believe the descendent of Prophet family was the true Caliphate. Rebellion on behalf of him aborted which led to a disaster that causes the martyrdom of al-Husayn son of Ali and grandson of the prophet on the battle of kabala in Iraq. The tenth day of the Islamic new year marked the tragic incidence of the martyrdom, this day is a Shia Muslim mourn the unjust killing of their Imam. After al-Husayn and his 72 members including his 6-month baby was wipe out by the Umayyad soldiers. The essential element of the Shia community came to a conviction that leadership of the community should be passed to Ali descendent. The idea that divinely presence could be incarnated from only the Prophets lineage is a very mind

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