Hijab Should Be Banned Essay

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The hijab is a very important and powerful Muslim symbol that is worn by billions of Muslim women all over the world. Many wear the hijab as a symbol of faith, while others wear it to protect themselves from society’s expectations of women. Some people think that banning the use of the hijab in public is a violation of freedom of religion and freedom of expression. However, others think the banning of the hijab is a necessary precaution. The wearing of the Muslim hijab should be banned in public because it is impractical, Muslims use it to separate themselves from society, and it is a security risk.
To begin with, the hijab is uncomfortable and impractical in today's modern society. The hijab causes more problems than it solves. Many people either are scared of someone wearing it or they hate the person wearing it. It is very difficult to …show more content…

Muslims often use it to keep themselves separate from the rest of society(Veil). Muslims have repeatedly shown that they prefer not to participate in society in western countries, which is not doing anyone any good. The idea of freedom is pointless if you do not take advantage of your opportunities. If muslims are living in a western country they should integrate(Veil). Muslims live in western countries for a reason, they need to start acting like they want to live there. If they do not wish to live in that country then they have the right to leave and live elsewhere. In other words, they have plenty of opportunities to be an active citizen and they need to participate so they can prove to others they are a good person. Furthermore, the wearers of the hijab get seperated, by society itself(Erlanger). Many people do not appreciate it when someone wears a hijab. Similarly to before, most people either feel hatred towards the hijab or they are scared of it. At last, the hijab separates Muslims from society, in many ways, whether they like it or

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