Value Of Life Essay

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eople often question how we should measure the value of life. In my personal experience I have found that life is actually important. Life is given value and meaning by one taking care of it and enjoying it to its fullest. Someone once said “You should not fear death, but fear the unlived life”. This means that one should not fear the end of a path or journey, but enjoy the trip. To me this is absolutely true. We are given only a few years to experience the world, friendships, loves, and losses. Even the bad experiences teach us to thank the good ones. This doesn’t mean we should all go out and be terrible people, but rather that we should learn from our mistakes. It is those “life” lessons and experiences which give our lives meaning. Meaning and value however, are completely different issues. The people at most life insurance companies will tell you it is a simple mathematical process based on age, physical health, and income. You’ll have the value of anyone’s life calculated in an instant. Unfortunately, this process cannot be applied to those awesome or tragic memories or experiences. …show more content…

People view the amount of money they receive as a measure of their loved one’s value. It creates problems people who have to award the money. Calculating the value of life in dollar worth can be an issue involving tough emotional and moral dilemmas. Value is something which each individual assigns to their life depending on how much meaning it has to them self and others. A life is not a self contained object; it is something that is shared with others. All people have value not just to themselves but to other humans as well. If you died tomorrow your friends and family would surely mourn for

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